Thursday, December 2, 2010

Up, up, and away

Today Ollie learned how to pull himself up from sitting to standing. He has been pulling up onto his knees for about two weeks now. But now he is on his feet!! I know it will only be a matter of time now before my tiny boy will begin walking. I have mixed feeling about this. I know that he will be so excited to get up and go, just like his big sis. But, at the same time, I am not ready for this. I want him to stay my tiny baby as long as possible. I completely welcome his growth and accomplishments, don't get me wrong. But they grow up so fast. I just wish he knew that he didn't need to hurry. That he can slow down and not rush through it all.

I try to enjoy every second of every day (although I am often not successful at this). I want to take it all in. I need to slow down (it's a wonder my children are in such a hurry). Madelyn's new favorite word is "already." As in, "Mommy, I'm ready, already." As I laugh at her impatience (and wish she wouldn't use the word in this context), I know she has learned this from someone! My new goal is to learn how to "stop and smell the roses." I am hoping this blog will help me do this. To sit at night and relive the great moments from the day. To think back to what Madelyn and Oliver have done and said and laugh (and maybe cry). To enjoy the moments when they are happening. But to also enjoy them long after they are over.

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